Municipal Services
High Fire Rating
No Daytime burning permitted. Open Air burning is permitted from 6pm to 8am with a permit. Campfires do not require a permit. Proceed with extra caution.

The Earlton-Armstrong Fire Department is a volunteer department that provides a range of programs to protect the lives and property of the inhabitants of the Township of Armstrong from the adverse effects of fires, or exposure to dangerous conditions created by man or nature.

The Department responds to fires, medical emergencies, motor vehicle accidents and mutual aide.

Established by the Armstrong Fire Department By-law 2017-26



You must have a Fire permit during Fire Season. Fire season is April 1 to October 31 each year. To obtain a permit please review the section below. New permit applications may require an inspection by Fire Department personnel. 

A reminder that all outdoor burning within the Township of Armstrong requires a permit. Permit rules and regulations are enforced and failure to obtain a permit or follow the permit rules may result in prosecution and fine. You must obtain a permit prior to conducting any open-air burning.

All new Permits and Open-Air Burning Permits will be issued at the cost of $20.00 (non-refundable) which includes the site inspection. The cost to renew all Burn Permits annually is $10.00 (non-refundable). 

A permit is valid for the calendar year it is issued in only.  Permits will only be issued to residents or tenants with a signed landlord permission to burn authorization form completed by the property owner. 

Smoke Alarm

Office of the Fire Marshal 

How to Apply for a Fire Permit

Fill out the online form and pay online by visiting: Apply for a Fire Permit Online