Earlton Drinking Water System consists of three (3) groundwater wells, one (1)treatment plant consisting of coagulation and clarification/filtration, disinfection and onsite storage. High lift pumping station consists of three submersible pumps and one fire pump.
The distribution system serves approximately 832 people through an estimated 340 residential service connections. There is approximately 10.5 km of PVC watermain within the Town of Earlton.
The quality management system (QMS) Policy applies to all staff involved with the operation of the Earlton Drinking Water System. This includes staff at the Township of Armstrong Office, the Village of Earlton’s Utilities Department.
The staff involved with the operation of the Earlton Drinking Water System shall:
- Provide consumers with a supply of safe drinking water.
- Maintain and continually improve upon its Quality management System.
- Operate and maintain the drinking water system to meet or surpass applicable legislation and regulations.
- Communicate the Policy to the owner, public and staff.
Please note that the Earlton Drinking Water System Operational Plan and QMS Policy and the 2023 water and wastewater compliance reports are available for viewing at the municipal office.
If you require a shut off or connection fill out the Service Request Form or contact:
Guy Laurin
Waterworks Superintendent
*Fees may apply
Outdoor Watering By-Law Information
Pursuant to By-law No. 2018-30, lawn and garden watering restrictions are in effect from June 1 to September 30.
There is an increased demand for water during the summer, when normal household use is supplemented with outdoor watering.
Following the rules of the outdoor watering bylaw can make a big difference and helps our water treatment plan maintain normal water pressure and chlorine residuals and ensure adequate supply for suppression if necessary. This is especially important during periods of low rainfall because our water sources are not being replenished.
How to obey the Watering By-Law
Between June 1 – September 30:
If your address ends with an odd number (1,3,5,7 or 9) you are permitted to water lawns, gardens, trees, shrubs and boulevards on odd-numbered days of the month between 6-9 a.m. and 6-9 p.m.
If your address ends with an even number (0, 2, 4, 6 or 8) you are permitted to water lawns, gardens, trees, shrubs and boulevards on even-numbered dates of the month between 6-9 a.m. and 6-9 p.m.
First time violations will result in warning and repat violations may result in fines.
If the by-law is not being followed or there is period of extended drought that results in water shortages, there may be an advisory or total ban on outdoor watering.
- Use low flow showerheads or flow restrictors.
- Use low flow aerators on all inside faucets to reduce water flow
- When replacing fixtures, look for water conservation models
- Fix leaky faucets, toilets
- Ensure surface drainage is not directed to the system